Welcome To Lisa’s Stories

Welcome to Lisa’s Stories! Steamy, adult fiction at its finest so enter and read at your own risk! The possibilities are endless no matter the story you choose to read so pick a book, open your mind, and let’s go on a  journey, but be sure to put all of your inhibitions to the side because my stories will take you places that no other stories will!! Lisa’s stories are rated VERY MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY!! You have been warned…


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About Lisa

Lisa’s Stories

I am a Charlotte native and a self-published author who enjoys writing and traveling to as many places as I can. I have always loved to write, but about seven years ago I got the extra want to write. First about myself in “Life as Lisa: The Skin I’m In… The Skin I Was Given” before doing any fiction novels- I just felt like I had a story to tell.

I am not a superstar, or a “known figure” by any means, but being gay in the world that we live in and knowing how to overcome the many adversities that the LGBTQ+ community faces daily, I felt- and feel that my story of situations that I overcame as I transitioned from a young, confused kid into a still confused, young adult into the now proud and confident adult that I am could be inspiring if to nothing more than just one person.

Also, I felt- and feel that if I can make at least one person less ignorant about the LGBTQ+ community, then I believe that I have served my purpose. My first book, again, “Life as Lisa: The Skin I’m In… The Skin I Was Given” which was released on March 4, 2017, is a feel-good book that depicts my life as a young girl who knew she was different at a very young age, who had to navigate the world and figure it all out on my own. I did not have an outlet to talk to about being gay, so at seven, yes seven years of age, I went through the difficult struggle of understanding my feelings and attraction to females all by myself.

The book continues to travel through my young adult years- showing my struggles of admitting that I was gay- scared of what people would think about me and more importantly, embarrassed of what I thought about myself. The book then travels into my adult years where I finally came to love and embrace my sexuality and couldn’t care less about what people thought about me and still feel the same way to this day. So many years later, I finally realized that how I loved and who I loved was not wrong. This book is a roller coaster of sex, relationships, and situations that will make you laugh, make you mad, and make you want to love again and again. 

After my first book, my want for writing continued with the release of my second book- which was released on April 7, 2017, yes, only a month later! “What the Heart Wants”, which has done extremely well on Amazon. My third book, “Mystic Encounters” has also become a hit after being released on September 12, 2017.

My fourth book, “Vanished in Plain Sight”, one of my favorites, was released on December 13, 2017- right in time for Christmas! My fifth book “Net of Lies” hit the stands on June 6, 2018, and has done very well!  “Silent Noise”, my 6th work, has a very important message that I felt needed to be shared, and as my first novel- it is also a story about a personal journey. 

What was supposed to be a new chapter with my company of over 11 years, instead, turned into a horrible experience of workplace abuse. This novel uncovers the decision I had to make to take a much-needed stand and use my voice over the company’s silence about the circumstances of what was happening behind closed doors.

Shortly after moving to Syracuse, NY, I would have to make a decision on what my relationship would be with this company going forward. Silent Noise hit the stands on January 26, 2019, and I am happy to say that it has also been a success!

My seventh addition, “Love at 30,000 Feet” officially hit the stands on July 5, 2020, and I predict that it will also do just as well as the others, being that my first copy was sold within hours of its release! 

Lastly, the newest addition to my growing collection, “Fractured” was released on August 23, 2022. This novel, unlike my others, made me dig deep into a genre that I was unfamiliar with as far as my style of writing. This mystery novel will keep you guessing from the first page all the way until the last! As soon as you think you have it figured out the puzzle only gets more confusing! I am happy that I challenged myself on this one because the rewards have been great!

Lisa’s Short Stories was introduced on December 27, 2020. I call these “my stories between stories.” The first edition, “The Healed Heart” and the second edition, “Sultry Nights,” were both released in January 2021. “Butta Luv,” the third addition to my short stories collection debuted in February of 2021.  Lastly, I am proud to announce that my fourth addition, “Kinky Kravings” was released in March of 2021 and is doing extremely well!

Stay tuned for two new releases that will be hitting the stands later this year! “Taurean Tendencies- A Thin Line Between Love and Hate” and “The Woods Are Watching”!

Thank you to everyone who has downloaded and invested in my work… much love, and respect to each of you! I hope that everyone who reads my stories enjoys them as much as I enjoy writing them!

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Lisa’s Stories Apparel

I am proud to introduce Lisa’s Stories Apparel! You know I had to put a sexy ass song to go with my sexy ass books! Thank you to all my supporters! Here is yet another way to show that same love to the world!



Loving What I Do

More of my steamy erotic novels guaranteed to be added to my quickly growing collection! Stay Tuned!

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All 7 Novels at a Glance

Press Play to see what type of mood my stories will put you in and leave you in well after reading them. Dont be afraid to step into my stories… just go with the flow!

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Short Stories by Lisa

These mini erotic stories between stories will keep your eyes glued to the pages just like my longer ones! Don’t let the small size fool you- the best things most times come in smaller packages?.

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